Tom Brady has come out of retirement to join the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in their quest for an eighth Super Bowl triumph. After assisting in the Bucs’ first NFC South victory since 2007, TB12 stated at the conclusion of mandatory minicamp on Thursday that the organization’s stability should allow them to make another long postseason run. Brady’s comeback had been predicted. With his success in the 2021 season, the athlete climbed up to second position on the MVP list.”The new season has already begun. Every day, you’re in a competition. Either you’re improving or you’re deteriorating. You’re not going out to work up a sweat; you’re going out to do tasks” Brady said. “Because we’ve been together the longest, I believe this should be our finest opportunity to play our best football, and why shouldn’t it be? We know each other, we know the plan, we’ve been through a lot of difficult situations in games, and now it’s up to us to go out there and execute it as effectively as we can.”